Powerexpert’s specialty and passion is power electronics. We provide profound value on a wide variety of topologies and circuits at nearly every power level. If you need expert power electronics services Powerexpert has you covered.
- Magnetics (Transformers, Inductors, DC Chokes, Line Reactors, Interphase Transformers, Autotransformers, flyback transformers)
- Solid state and electromechanical soft starters
- Precharge circuits
- Rectifier circuits (SCR, SCR/diode, diode), single phase or 6/12/18/24/36 pulse design
- DC link design (film or electrolytic based) and laminated busses
- Thyristor (SCR) and IGBT or MOSFET devices, circuits, and gate drives
- DC to DC Converters (buck, boost, bi-directional, half bridge, full bridge, etc)
- DC to AC Inverters (half bridge, full bridge, 2-3 level 3-phase, or phase-controlled)
- Control Methods (PWM, SVPWM, 6-Step, Closed Loop Current Control)
- Sensor Selection (Voltage, current, temperature, flow, pressure)
- Device Power Loss Analysis and device selection
- Thermal Management Analysis, simulation, and design
- Gate Drive and interface circuitry design

Contact Powerexpert today to discuss your power electronics needs!